Smurfs Fanon Wiki
You may want to be careful with this subject, my little Smurfs!

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Addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors. This can include addiction to food, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, and other pleasurable activities.

Mainstream Smurfs Media[]

In mainstream Smurfs media, the Smurfs have dealt with at least two forms of addiction. In the cartoon show episode "Lure Of The Orb," Poet and some other Smurfs were addicted to the power of a magic orb given by Allura that gave whoever touched it the illusion of heightened inspiration, but in reality gave them a temporary boost of energy that left them feeling drained. The story was used as an allusion to drug use, a topic that would be dealt with in the crossover cartoon show special "Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue."

In the comic book story "The Gambler Smurfs," the Smurfs dealt with gambling addiction as Lucky and a few other Smurfs brought into the village betting games from the human world that the Smurfs would soon fall prey to. In the latter half of the story, the Smurfs with the grudging help of Gargamel used the love of gambling against the duke of a nearby village who intended to turn the entire Smurf Forest into his own personal casino.

There are also stories about the Smurfs dealing with a lesser form of addiction, such as a new technological fad that has become commonplace among them, such as Window Vision watching in the cartoon show episode "Handy's Window-Vision" or the constant use of the Telesmurf in "The First Telesmurf".

Empath: The Luckiest Smurf stories[]

In the EMPATH: The Luckiest Smurf story "Papa Smurf & Mama Smurfette," Empath would fall prey to alcohol addiction to deal with the heartbreak he suffered and the societal shame of Papa Smurf marrying Smurfette in an alternate timeline explored by Traveler Smurf. Trader deals with the problem of accumulating possessions to the point where constant losses of such possessions drive him to tears, though he just simply resumes his hobby and starts over.

There are also Smurfs dealing with the addictive activity of smoking, which Papa Smurf and several other Smurfs would say is bad for a Smurf's health, with smurfnip being one smokable substance that even Grouchy finds hard to stay away from. In the later years of the Smurfs' history, there is an addiction to pornography in its various forms that has become a problem among the Smurfs.

In Psychelia, the Psyches are addicted to a psychotropic medicine called psychelium that is put into their nutrient paste that helps suppress their emotional expressions, including sexual desire. While there are no known withdrawal symptoms that the Psyches experience when they are no longer administered the medication (such as when Psyches have been exiled from their community), it is believed that disconnection from the community mindlink will cause them to go mentally unstable. However, neither Empath nor Polaris experienced any such symptoms from their disconnections.
